
PBA很荣幸收到为纪念去世的个人而制作的礼物. 捐赠者可以在任何时候使用下面的“立即捐赠”链接进行纪念. 有关在记忆中给予的其他方式的信息,请访问左侧的“如何给予”链接. Please be sure to note that this gift is made in memory and to list the name of who you wish to honor. 一些捐助者希望在他们的讣告中提到PBA. 建议使用的语言示例如下:

这是(姓名)的愿望,捐赠给拼搏体育,而不是鲜花. 要在网上安全地进行捐赠,请访问ospifse.net/giving. 如需电话捐赠,请致电561与礼品服务部经理丽莎·亚伦联系.803.2007.

We are deeply grateful for donors who wish to support PBA in this special way and would like to keep the family updated on gifts made in memory. 请拨打561与我们的开发团队联系.803.2777 or development@ospifse.net


The Barker family established 艾米·巴克纪念奖学金 in loving memory of Amy who passed away on Tuesday, 1月17日, 2006, 43岁时. The 艾米·巴克纪念奖学金 supports students who go above and beyond the required number of Workship hours needed each semester. 艾米1980年毕业于拼搏体育花园高中, 然后是佛罗里达大西洋大学. 她是西拼搏体育第一浸信会的终身成员. 艾米在当地几家企业担任会计,她也是美国商会的成员.S. 在海军预备役服役超过14年, 曾担任二等士官, 6 - 2巡逻中队摄影师大副(VP-62). 你可以向艾米·巴克纪念奖学金捐款 基金在下面给出的链接.


马修E. 贝内特和本杰明·西格尔纪念奖学金

马修E. 班尼特和本杰明·西格尔毕业于不同的大学,专业不同. 马特是2009年PBA音乐专业的学生,也是一位天才的吉他手,他是一位信徒.  本是2011年罗文大学传媒专业的学生,他的目标是在传教领域.  他们都爱主,并在悲惨的突然死亡后继续与主同在.  还有他们对上帝的爱, 这些年轻人的另一个共同点是他们母亲的亲密友谊, Dr. 斯蒂芬妮·贝内特和雷夫. 玛丽亚·西格尔,他们是大学室友,也是50年的好朋友. 这项奖学金颁发给即将升入大学二年级的学生, 初级, or Senior Communication major who exhibits the same heart for the Lord and desire to see His Kingdom flourish.




保罗·C. 布雷默捐赠奖学金

保罗·C. 布雷默为拼搏体育社区服务了50多年. 布雷默在拼搏体育县长大并接受教育, 作为一名注册会计师工作了很多年. 作为一名官员和董事会成员,他积极参与许多公民和慈善活动. He also worked with several non-profit organizations, providing his expertise and financial support. 保罗和拼搏体育有着特殊的关系, 雇佣会计实习生,帮助学生在当地找到工作. 为了纪念他,保罗的朋友们建立了保罗C. 布雷默会计专业奖学金. 该奖学金为PBA学生提供经济援助, 也被称为“布雷默拼搏体育”,” who maintain the highest ethical standards of the accounting profession and pursue accounting in the public or private sectors as a career.



Jennifer Criss于1995年毕业于PBA,获得心理学学士学位. 她和年鉴的工作人员有关系, 指导委员会, 以及诺斯伍德浸信会的儿童事工. 毕业后, 她在亚特兰大的触碰事工工作, Georgia as a computer trainer and as the Administrative Assistant to the Director until she became ill with a rare skin disease in July of 1999. 她与病魔作斗争,直到2000年6月1日去世,享年26岁. 詹妮弗的祖父, 卡尔层, 是拼搏体育大西洋学院的董事会成员, 还有她的母亲, Carlene Stewart设立这个奖学金是为了纪念Jennifer.



约翰P. 拼搏体育的绿色生活理事和他的妻子, 咪咪格林, 慷慨地建立了 伊莎贝拉·雷·格林纪念护理奖学金 以纪念他们心爱的孙女伊莎贝拉·雷·格林. 贝拉24岁时因一种罕见的血液疾病去世,当时她正在学习成为一名护士. 她是一个天生的、真诚的照顾者,这使她成为一名优秀的护理学生. 贝拉的家人记得她的冒险精神,有感染力的个性,善良的心, & 温暖的微笑打动了她遇到的每一个人. 通过伊莎贝拉·雷·格林纪念护理奖学金, 格林夫妇的目标是支持那些, 像贝拉, 立志通过提供富有同情心的护理对世界产生积极影响.



芭芭拉曼奇尼凯利加入了PBA的劳埃德L. Gregory School of Pharmacy in November 2003 as a founding administrator and faculty member for the program. 2003年至2010年,她担任学生和学术事务助理院长. 2010年至2016年, 凯利教授从行政部门转回全职教师岗位. 在此期间, 她开发了服务学习选修课,也就是今天的健康与健康教练. 2016年至2021年, Professor Kelly received the title of Senior Associate Professor where she remained engaged in the pharmacy program. In 2022, 凯利教授决定退休, 她被授予药学实践名誉副教授的荣誉称号. 同时她在药学项目中担任各种角色, 她将以顾问的身份被人们铭记, 导师, 同事, 是基督里的姐妹. 以表彰她的贡献, 为了纪念她的影响, 按照她的意愿, 凯利家族设立了芭芭拉曼奇尼凯利捐赠奖学金. Gifts made in Professor Kelly’s honor will directly assist first-generation college students enrolled in the Pharmacy program at PBA.



校友, 约瑟夫·托马斯03年和克里斯汀·瓦恩·托马斯02年, 于2月3日设立此奖学金, 2016, to recognize students who work to support themselves while attending 拼搏体育. Joe worked throughout college to support himself—a formative experience that provided a solid foundation for his career. 该奖学金旨在为PBA学生提供有类似经历的机会. In 2017, 为了纪念克里斯的祖父,托马斯夫妇将这项奖学金更名为比尔·马斯拉奖学金, 他是斯洛伐克移民的儿子,是美国梦的化身. 比尔开始了多项事业, and his hard work and entrepreneurial spirit inspired Chrissie and Joe to take chances and dream big. This scholarship honors his memory by helping other self-driven young men and women pay for their education.


Jerms McGraw第二次机会奖学金

为了纪念你.S. 海军陆战队. 2日Lt. Jeremiah McGraw ' 09 ORM, the 拼搏体育 校友 Association established the Jenns McGraw Second Chance Scholarship. 他的昵称是“杰姆斯”. 麦格劳是PBA麦克阿瑟领导学院的一名学生, 当时他在西拼搏体育海军陆战队服役. Lt. 麦格劳于9月10日去世. 2009年10月10日,22岁,在为国服役期间,在佛罗里达州中部的一次训练中. 就在他死前. 麦格劳获得了PBA的组织管理学士学位. “Jerms was known for his willingness to help anyone, anytime, anywhere,” said his father, Tim McGraw. “和他的心保持一致, we are directing that this scholarship be awarded to students who are dealing with significant setbacks in their lives and are in need of a helping hand to make a fresh start – in other words, 需要第二次机会的学生.”


Dr. 劳埃德·米姆斯音乐会系列

Dr. 劳埃德·米姆斯在拼搏体育留下了特别有影响力的遗产. 在PBA的23年里, his influence stretched from his role as Distinguished Professor of Music to Director of the PBA Symphony, 音乐与美术学院院长. 2018年,他被任命为名誉院长. Dr. 米姆斯毕生致力于音乐和音乐教育的投资. 在许多其他角色中,教授音乐和在世界各地表演, 他是全国歌唱教师协会的国家官员. He and his wife, Marilyn, were deeply involved in Royal Poinciana Chapel’s chorale for over 20 years. Dr. 鲍勃·沙伦慷慨地建立了. 劳埃德·米姆斯音乐会系列作为纪念他的遗产每年在拼搏体育.


克劳德·H. 瑞亚音乐艺术家捐赠基金

Dr. 克劳德·H. 土卫五, 谁在9月19日去世了, 1990, served as the fourth president of Palm Beach Atlantic College from 1982-1990 and was internationally known for his Christian witness through music. His distinguished service to 拼搏体育 ushered in the development of the Rinker campus and the creation of new academic programs. 密苏里人, 他毕业于利伯蒂的威廉·朱厄尔学院, 密苏里州, and he later received his doctorate in music from Florida State University and completed additional graduate studies at the University of 密苏里州 and Columbia University.



Kyle Skarstein, 2014年12月毕业于拼搏体育 . A scholarship has been established to help a Rinker School of Business student who has demonstrated a deep faith in Jesus Christ and has a passion for missions. 凯尔参加了PBA组织的两次马耳他宣教旅行. He led the team in his senior year as they helped African refugees learn business English to enable them to relocate and get jobs in Europe or the USA; then bring their families out of hardship to a better place. The team built relationships through the learning experience and shared the good news about Jesus Christ with them. 凯尔有一颗同情他人的心,渴望人们认识耶稣. 今天, 凯尔和杰西在一起,我们希望这笔奖学金能帮助其他PBA学生, 像凯尔, 成为耶稣的使者.

The Kyle Skarstein Endowed Scholarship was established in September 2018 by Doug and Kim Skarstein as well as friends and family of Kyle to support a missions-minded business student at PBA.



画L. 史密斯三世奖学基金

德鲁·L. 史密斯三世纪念奖学金,由Sally A. 为了纪念她的继子德鲁·史密斯,他于2017年2月22日去世. Drew was an outstanding student pursuing a business degree at 拼搏体育 at the time of his passing. The university recognizes Sally’s commitment to the future generations of PBA students in loving memory of 画L. 史密斯三世.




詹姆斯·H. 斯维克数学奖

Karen Swick教授于2002年从PBA退休, the University established the Karen Swick Award to honor her 20 years of service as a professor of mathematics. 夫人. Swick因为她的教学获得了许多荣誉和奖励. Her extensive career as a mathematics educator also included countless hours of service on numerous boards, 委员会, 和委员会, 以及在教师会议上发言, serving as a volunteer mathematics tutor at PBA and a judge for local elementary and middle school science and mathematics fairs. 2006年,凯伦的儿子詹姆斯·斯维克(James Swick)加入PBA,担任数学教授. 詹姆斯,大多数人都叫他吉姆,很快就成为了PBA一位受人爱戴的教授. 像他的母亲一样,吉姆在他的教学生涯中获得了多个奖项. Swick教授在PBA工作了十多年,指导和影响了无数的学生. 2023年吉姆去世后,该奖学金被重新命名,以纪念他的记忆和遗产.



2008年,乔尔·豪斯和辛迪·豪斯的女儿莎拉·怀特死于癌症,年仅34岁. 她留下了挚爱的丈夫和三个美丽的女儿. Her sister Rachel (House) Eshelman graduated from PBA in 2001 and inspired the idea to create a scholarship in her sister’s name. This scholarship was established by Joel and Cindy House in 2017 to honor Sarah’s memory by assisting students who are also dealing with the loss of a parent and who demonstrate a financial need to attend 拼搏体育.
