
拼搏体育's dance program offers classes 和 master classes appropriately sized to enhance individual instruction. Students have opportunities to work with local 和 global professional dance companies 和 perform in NYC, 韩国, 法国, 和加拿大. Dance students collaborate with other majors from numerous studies: music, 视觉艺术, 剧院, 和更多的. Selected students have presented their dance research at 佛罗里达舞蹈教育组织 Conference (FDEO) 和 many PBA dance students are members of National Honor Society of Dance Arts (NHSDA).




应用程序 & 试镜

All application materials 和 auditions need to be completed at least six weeks before the student’s first term as a dance major. All dance major students will be required to audition, 包括芭蕾和现代团体课程吗, 和 a solo presentation of the student’s own choice of dance style.

拼搏体育主修舞蹈, you’ll need to (1) apply to the University 和 (2) audition for the desired major.




注意: Some students audition before applying to PBA; while this is permissible to find out if you are qualified to be a dance major, 这是不可取的。. You should simultaneously apply for University admission 和 acceptance as a dance major.


If you live too far from campus or an audition site where a PBA dance faculty member is holding auditions, you may submit a video for provisional consideration, to be followed up with a live audition 和 面试 when you do come to campus.


If you have questions about the audition process, please contact us.


  • 11月18日星期六-上午9点


  • 2月16日星期五-下午3点
  • 3月1日星期五-艺术日下午3点-试镜
  • 4月20日星期六-上午9点

如果你想学舞蹈专业, you will need to file an application with the College of Arts in order to set up an audition. 您需要提交三份文件:


A letter of recommendation from a high school dance teacher or other dance professional familiar with your dancing


This application process is separate from applying for University admission. You will need to complete a live audition 和 面试 with the dance faculty prior to your semester of initial enrollment. If you live too far from an audition site for a live audition to be practical, a videotape may be submitted for provisional consideration, to be followed up by a live audition 和 面试 when you arrive on campus.

应用程序 materials should be received 和 auditions completed at least six weeks before the beginning of your first term as a dance major in order to ensure a place in required courses. Approval for study in the program is based on several factors, 包括试镜, 面试, 撰写论文和回顾以前的工作.


We present at least two dance concerts 和 several student showcases each academic year. We hold one major production with live music annually. 作品从古典到当代都有, in order to give you an opportunity to work in various dance genres. Participation in our dance productions is open to all PBA students, regardless of your major. Dance majors 和 minors are required to participate in all productions.

You can use your dance audition to be considered for dance scholarships. These scholarships are available to a select number of highly talented 和 promising students each year. Your letter of acceptance as a dance major will tell you if your audition qualified you to be considered for dance scholarship.

Students who accept these grants-in-aid must declare 和 remain a major in the Department of Dance during the period of the grant, 保持3.0 grade point average in all dance courses attempted at PBA. PBA舞蹈平均成绩3分以下.0将导致舞蹈奖学金的减少. Scholarship recipients also are required to audition for Dance Ensemble every semester 和 participate fully if selected.

PBA 和 the dance department have extensive relationships with many professional organizations. 最近的实习机会包括:

Every year you’ll have the opportunity to do additional study 和 observation at 迈阿密城市芭蕾舞团 和其他当地公司.

克拉维斯中心 also provides opportunities for you to observe rehearsals 和 attend performances of traveling national 和 international dance companies.

Dance medicine/science, injury prevention 和 recovery are very important for our dance students. PBA Dance与 特种外科医院, where our students are annually screened by DARI high-tech motion capture. 观看YouTube视频 关于HSS的舞蹈放映. 特种外科医院


PBA dance department is proud to have an internationally renowned faculty whose foundation is not only diverse but also rooted in Biblical truth. 艾琳•希伯仑, former American Ballet Theatre (ABT) company member 和 ABT certified, was h和-picked by Mikhail Baryshnikov during her study at the School of American Ballet. Stella Almblade, 霍顿教学法认证, 柠檬舞技巧, 和格雷厄姆技巧, 与Alvin Aliey美国舞蹈剧院一起演出, 和 歌舞团. Jin Lee Hanley, the former principal dancer with Park Premier Ballet in 韩国, 约瑟夫·普拉提的第二代大师, 由洛丽塔圣米格尔认证. Amy Hamel, a PBA alumni 和 current adjunct, danced on Broadway in Cats.

The artistic director of 歌舞团 和 Scholar in Residence with the PBA dance department who often sets choreography for the PBA Dance Ensemble.
PBA驻校艺术家, a former dancer with American Ballet Theatre (ABT) who is our full-time faculty.


问题? 请给艺术学院打电话.

电话: (561) 803-2970


Join us for upcoming music, dance, 和 other fine arts events.