
莎拉-罗兹曼’s Journey to Teaching Leads her to Spain



从丹佛出发, 科罗拉多州, in 2020, 莎拉-罗兹曼, 一个三联体, embarked on an educational and spiritual journey that led her to the warm and welcoming environment of 拼搏体育 (PBA). 她发现PBA纯属偶然. She went to see a concert by the band Tenth Avenue North, a favorite of hers and her sisters. When the band started talking about how they met and mentioned the community they found at their alma mater, 这引起了莎拉的共鸣.  

“那是我第一次听说PBA, and something that stuck out that I still remember from them introducing PBA was just the community they shared about,莎拉说,她的眼睛亮了起来. The recall almost seemed to transport her back to that defining moment in her spiritual journey and career. 在她高中的最后一年, 世界经历了封锁, and the need for community became even more crucial for someone as adventurous and engaging as Sarah.  

“I couldn’t really tour any schools, but I felt the Lord still putting it on my heart. I kept hearing the same things they said about community, 我就说, 好吧, 我要大胆尝试一下.”  

Despite the challenges, Sarah’s resilience shone through. She explained that receiving a scholarship to pursue her degree in education at PBA made that decision a little easier. While it was challenging with her sisters choosing to attend college in 科罗拉多州, she felt the decision that ultimately led to the scholarship was a blessing as it allowed all three of them to pursue their higher education goals while lessening the family’s financial obligations. 


Sarah’s choice of teaching as a career is driven by a deep-seated passion she’s nurtured since childhood. Her experiences with a career technical course in high school, 尤其是四年级的ESOL班, 坚定了她影响年轻生命的愿望. 尽管这个职业很困难, Sarah remains focused on the positive influence she can have.  

“What is important to me about teaching are the children. You have to shut out all the negative things and remember why you’re t在这里. Teaching builds a foundation for children for the rest of their lives, 这改变了一切.” Sarah is resolute that even if she can positively impact three students, “That’s worth it.” 

在PBA, Sarah found an academic environment and a supportive community that encouraged her aspirations, including teaching abroad and being selected as a Fulbright semi-finalist. She is also the Outstanding Student providing the Graduate Reflection at the 10 a.. 5月4日举行毕业典礼.

 “The School of Education at PBA offered incredible support, encouraging me to apply for the Fulbright program and providing hands-on teaching experiences in various settings,她分享道。.  

This supportive backdrop was crucial as Sarah navigated the complexities of entering a profession many were leaving. “You can do so much hands-on work in different environments every semester. 所有的教授都很有风度. 他们优先考虑你的精神健康. They prioritize you as an individual, and that’s meant the world. 所以,我非常感激。. 


在西班牙完成了她的学生教学, Sarah is thrilled to return to Madrid this fall to teach third grade. This opportunity perfectly aligns with her mission-driven education approach and her personal faith journey. 

 “马德里是我梦想成真的地方. I fell in love with the city and the kids,” she said.  

移居国外的决定颇具挑战性, especially given the distance from her family and their concerns over her career choice and financial stability. Yet, Sarah remains optimistic about the future and her role in shaping young minds. She is not waiting for the fall to enter the classroom. As a certified substitute teacher for Palm Beach County, she is already in the classroom every day.  

Sarah’s faith has been the cornerstone of her journey. Sarah’s faith has guided her choices and aspirations, from her initial encounter with the gospel at a summer camp to finding her own path in a non-believing family.  

“My faith keeps me grounded and committed to this path despite the obstacles,” Sarah explained. “I heard about Jesus at a summer camp and accepted Him, but then didn’t really know what to do. The friendships I had in middle school brought me into different discipleship groups and into serving in worship. I did that same summer camp for five years, and I loved it. It made me even more excited to be a teacher,” she said.  

Sarah’s faith is a powerful force that has shaped her journey and continues to inspire her. As Sarah prepares for her upcoming role in Madrid, she reflects on the transformative power of education and the personal fulfillment it brings. 她的旅程证明了信仰的影响, 社区的力量, and the enduring influence of teachers dedicated to their students’ futures. 

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