父母 & 家庭常见问题



电子邮件: Campus_安全@ospifse.net

地点:1000s. 南方高速公路,



电子邮件: pbacampusstore@bkstr.com

网上购物 或者查看 营业时间 在店内参观!


电子邮件: finaid@ospifse.net


电子邮件: academic_support@ospifse.net


电子邮件: REGISTRAR_@ospifse.net


电子邮件: reslife@ospifse.net


电子邮件: Counseling_Wellness@ospifse.net

访问 在这里 了解更多信息.


电子邮件: Student_Accounts@ospifse.net


电子邮件: Counseling_center@ospifse.net

个小时, 安排约会的说明.


电子邮件: Workship@ospifse.net

请在此查看工作要求 工作方针.


Subject areas include Math, 科学, Hebrew, Greek, Nursing, and 西班牙语.

是的, 你可以信任同伴辅导课程的质量,因为同伴导师是由教师精心推荐的PBA学生,他们将与学生密切合作.

这些会议以小组形式进行, 是免费给PBA学生的吗, 不要要求预约.

PBA students are also equipped with free, live, online tutorial support through 导师. Com. 课程全天候开放,主题从数学开始, 科学, 西班牙语, 金融, 会计, 还有其他科目.

All currently enrolled PBA students receive 5 hours of free tutoring per term through 导师.Com.

For additional online tutoring hours and/or assistance regarding online tutoring, 请联系PBA电子学习团队,电话:(561)803-2283或 onlinehelp@ospifse.net.


How do I know that my student is safe since PBA is an opened-style campus?

在PBA,学生的安全是第一位的. 校园安全和安保办公室配备了专门的资源,以确保所有学生在校园里任何地方都感到安全, 在白天或晚上的任何时间.

我们的安全人员队伍经过严格的训练, 是由佛罗里达州认证的吗, and have access to instant communication with dispatchers and patrol supervisors.

校园巡逻由安全人员-步行, 骑自行车, 通过有标记的车辆,全天候进行.


Campus safety utilizes technology resources including RaveGuardian, 安全移动应用, PBA警报系统,用于发送紧急短信和电子邮件, 社交媒体平台与所有学生快速沟通,确保他们随时了解任何安全问题,包括如何为飓风做好最好的准备.

Students, faculty, and staff can visit the Campus 安全 Office page on my.PBA.edu (login required) to register their vehicles to park on campus.

汽车, 摩托车, 自行车/摩托车/摩托车, 滑冰/冲浪老手/旱冰鞋, as well as recreational and other types of vehicles can be registered for a parking decal.


职业发展办公室提供各种各样的服务,从帮助学生选择专业, 浏览简历和求职信, 帮助学生培养面试技巧, 职业指导和更多. 如需更多资料,请浏览网页 在这里.


申请毕业,学生需要登录 myPBA. 一旦他们到达, students can go to More (on the right corner of the Navigation bar) => Students => 毕业典礼 (listed on the left-hand side). 在那里, 他们将能够找到申请毕业的截止日期和如何申请的指导.

如有其他问题, 请随时拼搏体育的注册办公室,电话:(561)803-2072或给我们发电子邮件 REGISTRAR_@ospifse.net.


Specific steps for applying for financial assistance are listed 在这里.

学生和家长可以参观 FAFSA申请|联邦学生援助


有关你的经济援助提供的信息可以找到只有当学生登录到他们的帐户 财政援助门户网站. 一旦有, students can click on the Drop-Down Toggle (on the left corner of the page) => 金融援助 Offer.



Eligibility for FWS is based on the information reported on the FAFSA.

学生可以使用学生证或联系经济援助办公室来检查他们的资格. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 在这里.

如有其他问题, please give us a call at (561) 803-2126 during office hours which are Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.,或发送电子邮件至 finaid@ospifse.net. 你应该在24-48小时内收到回复.


所需表格列于 新生检查表. 请点击 在这里 查阅电子表格及更多资料.

PBA currently launched a new student telehealth program called 旗鱼健康 哪家公司每周7天,每天24小时提供从医疗到精神保健的各种服务.

旗鱼健康 是否在所有PBA学生访问时免费提供全天候医疗和心理远程保健计划!



  • 医疗:按需访问可以治疗感冒等多种常见疾病的医疗提供者, 流感, 鼻窦感染, 过敏等.
  • TalkNow: on-demand access to a mental health professional to talk to about anything at anytime
  • Scheduled Counseling: scheduled options to speak to a licensed counselor
  • 健康指导:接触营养专家,帮助学生采用与睡眠问题相关的更健康的生活方式, 体重管理等.

学生可以到 旗鱼健康 to register for and access telehealth services using their student email addresses.

Students can then have visits from any web-enabled device like a smartphone, 平板电脑, 移动PC, 或桌面.


旗鱼健康将对症状进行虚拟评估,并在封闭的环境中进行一线护理,以限制疾病的传播. They will also give recommendations concerning the need for testing vs. self-quarantining and w在这里 to go if testing or further care is needed.

拼搏体育要求所有 Full-Time Undergraduate/Graduate/Evening/International/Pharmacy PBA学生必须拥有个人健康保险,以避免因意外的医疗费用而中断学业.

If you are insured and have comparable coverage under another plan, you do not need to purchase the college-sponsored plan; however, 您仍然必须填写并提交 网上保险豁免表格

In order to waive the school’s insurance, students must possess health care insurance w在这里:

  • The benefits provided are comparable with the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  • 该计划在校园50英里半径范围内(如果居住在西拼搏体育或奥兰多)提供住院治疗和门诊治疗(包括办公室就诊和行为健康护理)。. Coverage for Emergency only care does not satisfy this requirement. 
  • The plan provides unlimited medical benefits per sickness or injury. Insurance that fails to cover or limits coverage for pre-existing conditions is 不能接受的.
  • 覆盖范围将在学生注册该学年的所有学期有效.


Before you leave PBA t在这里 are several things you need to do. Contact the Dean of Students office in Lassiter Student Center to get the withdrawal form. The form will include all of the information you need to exit fully. (这是来自myPBA,在注册部门页面下).

如有任何其他问题,请给我们的健康 & Wellness Center a call at (561) 803-2576 or send us an email at Health_Wellness@ospifse.net.


如有任何关于学习成绩的问题, 学位计划或课程安排, 学生可以访问注册办公室.

学生需要参加专门为其专业设计的咨询会议,以便获得课程注册资格. 如有其他问题, students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with their assigned academic advisor.

Students can find the name of their assigned academic advisor by logging into myPBA. 一旦登录, students can go to More (on the right corner of the Navigation bar) => Students => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side).

是的. 学生应该收到关于咨询课程信息的电子邮件,以及基于他们所获得的学分的当前学术地位.

Students can find withdrawal forms in the Registrar’s Office or online at myPBA. If accessing the forms online, students should sign in to myPBA. They can then go to Students (on the Navigation bar) => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side). 在那里, 学生们会发现许多学术形式,包括 退课表格. 表格上附有说明.

在这种情况下,学生可以填写 课程上限覆盖表格. 他们可以通过登录找到这个表单 myPBA, navigating to Students (on the Navigation bar) => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side) => 在那里, 学生们会发现许多学术形式,包括 课程上限覆盖表格.

学生须填妥声明书或 更改主修/副修/主修表格 如果他们想改变/放弃目前的主修/副修. 他们也可以通过登录获得此表单 myPBA  => Students (on the Navigation bar) => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side). 在那里, students will find many academic forms including  the  申报或更改主修/副修/主修表格.

学生被要求填写 课程替代申请表格 if they wish to substitute their current course with another approved course. 他们可以通过登录找到这个表单 myPBA => Students (on the Navigation bar) => 建议 Related Portlets (listed on the left-hand side). 在那里, students will find many academic forms as well as the 课程替代申请表格.

如有其他问题, please give us a call at (561) 803-2072 or send us an email at REGISTRAR_@ospifse.net.


我们的住宿设施包括套房式和公寓式宿舍,每个都有自己的魅力. 住宿选择包括巴克斯特宿舍, 海岸大厦公寓, 约翰逊大厅, Oceanview大厅, 溜冰者大厅, Weyenberg大厅, 和华生庄园.

访问 在这里 有关每个宿舍的详细信息和 食宿费.

住宿学生可以访问他们的住房信息, 包括他们的大厅, 室友(s), 和用餐计划的任务上 房地产门户网站.

可以找到有关膳食计划的信息,例如它们包括什么以及每学期或每年的费用 在这里.

学生可浏览 房地产门户网站 查看膳食计划的详细信息或要求更改他们的膳食计划在页面左上角的切换列表. Meal plans can only be changed at the beginning of each semester.

Students can choose between  various dining locations on campus such as The Fraser 餐厅 Hall, 杰克的咖啡, 菲尔, 爱因斯坦兄弟百吉饼, 和市场


如有其他问题, please contact Residence Life at (561) 803-2555 or reslife@ospifse.net.


Your bill is generated and issued electronically each semester and can be viewed online via 学生客户中心.

学生和家长可以参观 学生客户中心 and sign in with their accounts to set up a payment plan and submit payments.

每月付款计划通过我们与学费管理系统(TMS)的合作提供,可以通过登录学生的帐户设置 学生客户中心 门户网站.


Students can find the 学术 Calendar simply by logging into myPBA. 当他们在首页向下滚动时, 他们将看到当前学年的校历以及过去学年的校历.

家长也可以查看校历 在这里.

如有其他问题, 请随时拼搏体育的注册办公室,电话:(561)803-2072或发送电子邮件至REGISTRAR_@ospifse.net.

学生必须完成 45小时 of volunteer community service at a 501(c)3 non-profit agency, 教堂, academic school or US government organization per school year. 符合基督教承诺和大学核心价值观的服务将被计算在工作时间内.

请访问 在这里 了解更多信息.

学生每学年必须修满24个教堂学分. To apply for chapel exemptions, students must log into their myPBA account. On the Navigation Bar, they can go to 部门 => Chapel. When they scroll down, they can see a ink to the PDF version of the form that they can download.